EatingWell Video

The bread and butter of food media is the recipe video. There are many philosophies (re:opinions) that surround producing these videos but no matter what anyone tries, they remain the workhorse driver of traffic and views for every food brand on the web. That makes it critical that they look beautiful and are produced with exceptional attention to detail even when done at scale (producing 20+ in a week). Here below are some samples of that work I’ve produced.

EatingWell Series in Production

“Prep School” is EatingWell’s longest running and most successful brand series. Originally focused on Youtube, the series and host Victoria Seaver have weather the pandemic, filming in a home kitchen, and multiple rebrands. I was tasked with bringing it back to the studio from home and diversifying the format so that the “Prep School” could flourish across multiple platforms.

“Dietitian Q&A” is a series that is very close to my heart. Initially in development hell this series holds the distinction for me as the social media series I have had to keep in pre-production longer than any other (almost 10 months from greenlight to production). A relaunch of a pre-existing, and wildly successful series at EW, Jessica Ball R.D. was able to front this show and is quickly finding her voice in front of the camera.

Living Well & Associated Programs

While EatingWell was the overall brand we also had several sub-brands including the legacy imprints Diabetic Living and Cooking Light. To serve those audiences we also produced a significant amount of content surround specific dietary restrictions. The two biggest being Diabetes and Heart Disease but we also programmed content for food allergies, weight loss, etc. Below are two examples of that content I was involved in producing.